Exercise 2: Test your knowledge
After working through Exercise 2, you’ll…
- have assessed how well you know
- know what
functions and concepts you might want to repeat again - have managed to apply the
concepts to data
Task 1
Below you will see multiple choice questions. Please try to identify the correct answers. 1, 2, 3 and 4 correct answers are possible for each question.
1. What are the main characteristics of tidy data?
- Every cell contains values.
- Every cell contains a variable.
- Every observation is a column.
- Every observation is a row.
2. What are dplyr
3. How can you sort the eye_color of Star Wars characters from Z to A?
starwars_data %>% arrange(desc(eye_color))
starwars_data %>% arrange(eye_color)
starwars_data %>% select(arrange(eye_color))
starwars_data %>% select(eye_color) %>% arrange(desc(eye_color))
4. Imagine you want to recode the height of the these characters. You want to have three categories from small and medium to tall. What is a valid approach?
starwars_data %>% mutate(height = case_when(height<=150~"small",height<=190~"medium",height>190~"tall"))
starwars_data %>% mutate(height = case_when(height<=150~small,height<=190~medium,height>190~tall))
starwars_data %>% recode(height = case_when(height<=150~"small",height<=190~"medium",height>190~"tall"))
starwars_data %>% recode(height = case_when(height<=150~small,height<=190~medium,height>190~tall))
5. Imagine you want to provide a systematic overview over all hair colors and what species wear these hair colors frequently (not accounting for the skewed sampling of species)? What is a valid approach?
starwars_data %>% group_by(hair_color) %>% group_by(species) %>% summarize(count = n()) %>% arrange(hair_color)
starwars_data %>% group_by(hair_color, species) %>% summarize(count = n()) %>% arrange(hair_color)
starwars_data %>% group_by(hair_color & species) %>% summarize(count = n()) %>% arrange(hair_color)
starwars_data %>% group_by(hair_color + species) %>% summarize(count = n()) %>% arrange(hair_color)
Task 2
It’s you turn now. Load the starwars data like this:
library(dplyr) # to activate the dplyr package
<- starwars # to assign the pre-installed starwars data set (dplyr) into a source object in our environment starwars_data
How many humans are contained in the starwars data overall? (Hint: use
summarize(count = n())
or count()
Task 5
What is the average mass of Star Wars characters that are not human and
have yellow eyes? (Hint: remove all NAs
Task 6
Compare the mean, median, and standard deviation of mass for all humans
and droids. (Hint: remove all NAs
Task 7
Create a new variable in which you store the mass in gram (gr_mass). Add it to the data frame. Test whether your solution works by printing your data to the console, but only show the name, species, mass, and your new variable gr_mass.
When you’re ready to look at the solutions, you can find them here: Solutions for Exercise 2.
Are you ready for some beautiful graphs? Then check out the next Tutorial: Data visualization with ggplot.